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Report on slavery

11 Mar 15 - 09:40

Report on slavery

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Download Report on slavery

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Nov 17, 2014 - Nearly 36 million people worldwide, or 0.5% of the world's population, live as slaves, a survey by anti-slavery campaign group Walk Free says.

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A Global Report on Trafficking in Persons launched today by the United Nations Office on UNODC report on human trafficking exposes modern form of slavery Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery; the ILO Convention Concerning Forced or Compulsory This inaugural edition of the Global Slavery Index report:. Slavery and Justice to investigate and issue a public report on the University's historical relationship to slavery and the transatlantic slave trade. Since that.

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There are still reports of slave markets. Even when abolished, slavery leaves traces. It can persist as a state of mind- among victims and their descendants and Oct 17, 2013 - Nearly 30 million people around the world are living as slaves, The report's authors hope it will help governments tackle what they call aNov 17, 2014 - More than 35 million people around the world are trapped in a modern form of slavery, according to a report highlighting the prevalence of How to report Modern Slavery if you suspect someone is a victim of it. The 2014 Global Slavery Index presents a ranking of 167 countries based on the percent of a country's population that is estimated to be in modern slavery.?Download -?Methodology -?Mauritania -?IndiaWorld has 35.8 million slaves, report finds - CNN.comwww.cnn.com/2014/11/17/world/walk-free-global-slavery-index-2014/CachedNov 17, 2014 - The second annual edition of the Walk Free Foundation's Global Slavery Index has found that globally, almost 36 million people are subject to

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